Yesterday afternoon was dedicated to making our breadstuff for the month. I took payoff of Joe taking a nap together with John beingness at schoolhouse together with had Daniel all to myself inwards the kitchen. I commonly enter amongst all iii boys hence they tin post away each larn their footling fingers into it, merely yesterday thinking most the cleanup that comes amongst that shied me away. I also decided to accept a interruption from the normal wheat breadstuff together with made five beautiful loaves of WHITE BREAD. I get got a recipe that is to give-up the ghost for! Makes the moistest, yummiest, melt-in-your-mouth breadstuff you lot tin post away imagine. Read on for the recipe...
Family White Bread
8 C. flour
2 1/2 T. salt
1 C. sugar
2 1/2 T. dry out yeast
1/3 C. mashed potatoes (Secret ingredient! Makes the breadstuff real moist)
6 C. warm water
1 C. oil
4-8 C. additional flour
*You'll also require a Bosch mixer or equivalent*
Stir flour, salt, saccharide together with dry out yeast together inwards your mixer. Then add together the potatoes, H2O together with oil. Using your breadstuff hook, knead for five minutes. Then add together 4-8 C. flour equally needed until the dough cleans the sides together with bottom of the bowl. Let the mixer knead the dough for 10 to a greater extent than minutes. Pour dough onto floured surface. The dough tin post away last real sticky, I utilisation flour liberally.
I pulled a chunk off for Daniel together with allow him become at it. He rolled out the dough, cutting it into strips amongst the pizza cutter, together with then sprinkled cinnamon saccharide over the top.
Form into five loaves together with house inwards breadstuff pans sprayed amongst nonstick spray. Turn oven to warm. When heated, plow oven off. Place pans inwards oven, nigh door, together with laid upward timer for thirty minutes.
When thirty minutes is up, plow the oven on to 350 degrees together with bake for thirty minutes.
And out comes golden deliciousness! Turn the loaves out onto a cooling rack together with brush the tops amongst butter. Once they're cool I cutting them into sparse slices, lay them inwards breadstuff bags together with freeze them. Then whenever nosotros require about other loaf of breadstuff I tin post away accept i out together with stick it inwards the fridge.
The best purpose most this bread? Eating it! The kids ever devour breadstuff fresh out of the oven. And who tin post away blame them.
Dan enjoyed his "cinnamon sticks" dipped inwards frosting. Yum!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Best Bread making day
January 26, 2012
Activities at home, food